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Update on ANG and GFI trade

July 27, 2011

I reccomended 2 trades in

I entered ANG at 305 and 302 as well as GFI at 105 (my 102.5 wasnt hit)

GFI is sitting round 104 and ANG has been hit nicely to 291. Im holding both of these trades at present as I have margin available. For those of you who are risk averse I hope you have a stoploss set that you can stomach as the strikes will likely affect the share price. I also expect this weekend for the americans to raise their debt ceiling and this could trigger a tempoary sell off in bullion further increasing the selling pressure on the share. Global Trader isnt allowing short positions on ANG indicating that they cant get stock to offer shorts. I like short sellers as at some point they have to cover that short putting in a price floor. My point is you may see ANG more volitile than GFI.

Looking forward the rand is now at resistance against the USD and this has led to a decline in the ZAR price of gold. Look to enter a long position in GLD should the ZAR gold price reduce further

Summary: HOLD ANG, GFI

LONG GLD R102.50 for your first bite. R100 for the second and R90-95 = backup the truck.

These are JSE trades so Im going to be using my SBK platform

From → Trade

  1. For those that are following this. I got out of ANG at 330 and GFI at 122 this week. Im now totaly out of these positions. Too my fear in the gold price. Expect a correct and a nice new entry into both of these stocks

  2. Sol 30% GFI At 116 today and sold a small amount of ANG at 325. HAve sells in for GFI at 118 and ANG at 327.50 and 330

  3. Another update. Im unloading more GFI today at 120 and ill look to be out of the position at 125.
    ANG Im unloading at 325 and looking to be out of the position at 330.
    There is a good case for these shares long term. But short term the gains should be booked.

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  1. update on the GFI/ANG trade « paulfcannell

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