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I see fat people

June 4, 2013

Over the weekend I read a link from a friends facebook feed. You can find it here.

Anyway I thought about the fact that I drink a cup of coffee most mornings when I get to work and thats it. The rest of the day is water, even in the evening (unless there is wine involved) Then I thought about how much nonsense I must chuck into my body on the weekend when the brandy and coke binges start. Then my mind began to wander as it usually does and I figured its no wonder people are overweight.

I work in an office. Specifically an IT dept and the company I work for has a canteen where staff can buy breakfast lunch and snacks. I rather enjoy having an 8am scone with a helping of butter and jam, not exactly slimming but given that ill run / swim on my lunch break all is good. However what I notice at the canteen is the size of most of the staff frequenting the place. Sure not all resemble jabba the hut but most are overweight. Not the “has a few extra kilos” but properly overweight. People who could lose 10-20kgs and then sill have those few extra kilos to lose.

This got my mind (oddly) to thinking HOW THE HELL DOES THE HUMAN SPECIES REPRODUCE. To all the fat people reading this, are you turned on by your fat rolls engulfing your partner while doing the dirty? Men with huge stomachs, how do you navigate the myriad of awesome fun sexual positions with that sack of fat. As for the women with your huge thighs .. how do you expect us to find happiness in there?

This is my morning rant, now stop reading this and get your fat ass into the gym. Cause nobody wants you looking like that. 

aaaaah venting. Its so therapeutic.

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  1. Taryn permalink

    🙂 thanks for the imagery.

    so I should cut down on sugars in my coffee & tea hey. poop.

    the human species shouldn’t reproduce for a number of reasons. if being fat slows ’em down, then good.

  2. gee.inggs permalink

    Stop thinking…. Or if you’re going to, at least try spend your time on awesome thoughts Paul

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