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The only this we learn from history is that we dont learn from history

February 12, 2013

Ive been watching whats been going on in Argentina for a while and everything has been playing out in a very predictable manner. The country under reports inflation,  prints money to pay its obligations and cheapens the currency to “promote exports” As history shows this policy never works yet governments, refusing to make the difficult decisions lest they be voted out of office, follow the same failed policies every time.

Japan has openly said its going to print money to cheapen the Yen. The swiss are prattling on about how their currency is too strong, the US are somewhat surreptitious in their role. They are printing huge amounts of money to buy up mortgage backed securities and treasuries. It amounts to the same thing they just sell it on “saving the mortgage lenders” etc etc. You cant devalue your way to prosperity. Its happening in every country around the world. Its in the stealth phase in many countries right now. People are feeling inflation but its not bad enough that they want to do anything about it other than complain.

Gold and silver have done nothing for 18 months now and there is still the talk that the metals bull market is over. To that I call bullshit, when inflation starts to show up in the official numbers watch them fly.

As an aside Venezuela this past weekend devalued the currency by 30% overnight. This will happen in Argentina before long as well and can easily happen in your country.

I know what Im doing to protect my wealth from the paper collapse. Do you?

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